These frogs show you the greater than sign and lesser than sign here. Do you know what are these signs? We have learn t a lot about different numbers previously now lets learn these great than or lesser than signs in detail.
These signs gives us the difference in the numbers which is an essential concept in mathematics. In mathematics the symbol for "what or which is greater than"is ">"
The example below will help you understand this concept better.
George has 10 chocolates and Jane has 7 chocolates. Write this statement by using greater than sign.
George: Number of chocolates = 10
Jane : Number of chocolates =7
7 is a lower value. Hence the statement is written as 10 >7. This concept is useful to the higher grades as it is useful to my 5th grade math friends.
Check it out and let me know your comments on this and look how George is enjoying the chocolate below.