Showing posts with label Trigonometry functions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trigonometry functions. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Trigonometry functions

Ari thematic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry are subjects which children like it world wide, i use to like mathematics a lot when i was in school. I enjoyed it and therefore wanted to share my knowledge with you guys. I had posted one post earlier also which has introduction on trigonometry.

Today when i was thinking what to start up, trigonometry functions struck to my mind. I decided to write on it, so here i am with it.

Trigonometry functions are also called as circular functions. They are functions of the angles. They are normally used to relate the angles of the triangle to the sides of the triangle. All trignometry terms are related to trigonometric functions. The basic trigonometric functions are Sine, Cosine and tangent, cot sec, cosec functions of a triangle. With all this it make us easy to find the sides of the triangle. Now let me give you the introduction of trigonometric identities.

Brief introduction of trigonometric identities:- Trigonometric identities are basically formed as the equalities is involve trigonometric functions and they prove to be true for every single value of the occurring. An identity is a basic equation that represents true for all of the possible values of its variables. Trigonometric identities are important; they involve the sums or differences of trigonometric angles.

We will solve these problems in my next post. Wait until then. But you will have to post your comment on this first.